We are very grateful for your continual prayers and support to help us guide youth groups and young adults to worship God today in Word, Spirit & Action. 

In Hebrews 10:23 the author writes: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” We all need people in our corner to cheer us on and it has always been our absolute privilege in Soul Survivor to spur on or cheer on, young people, young adults and the local church to love and good deeds across NSW and beyond.

Over the last 12 months since our last Spring Appeal, we have seen the fruit of cheering on young people to love and good deeds in Christ.

We are excited about the next 12 months for cheering on youth groups and young adults towards love and good deeds in 2025. We are planning for our 25th April Conference, a special event to celebrate 25 years on this journey together, our YA Retreat in August and some new retreats to make space for developing young adults in Word, Spirit & Action.

Our Spring Appeal requires $55,000 to resource our next season of cheering on youth and young adults to love and good deeds.

Can you join us in this appeal? 

Direct Debit // Soul Survivor NSW, BSB: 633-000, Account Number: 122736291

Cheque // Soul Survivor NSW, PO Box 474 Frenchs Forest 1640 NSW

Credit Card // visit our website www.soulsurvivornsw.org.au if you wish to support us by credit card 

Please respond by the 31st of October. 

We deeply value your partnership with us in Christ!

Matt Gelding

Director of Ministry, Soul Survivor NSW



Prayer support

We are so thankful for the constant encouragement of our prayer supporters who intercede for us as we send teams on the road. Your prayers are powerful and effective, and we'd love for you to join us in praying for the ministry of Soul Survivor and what God is doing in our region.