Spring Appeal 2022
a message from Matt, as we reflect on Spring Appeal 2022…
To our Soul Survivor Community,
Praise God! On behalf of the team I humbly bring our awe, thanks and wonder of God and of you, His people, to generously resource, encourage and support the next 12 months of serving young people and young adults in Word Sprit and Action. Thank you! This Spring Appeal has truly sparked again the flame of ministry and mission into 2023. We are deeply grateful.
Love and thanks, Matt
If you would still like to give toward the work of Soul Survivor in 2022-2023, or find out more about what the Spring Appeal was about, you can do so below:
2 Timothy 1:6 “That’s why I now want to remind you that God gave you a gift when I laid my hands on you, and that you must bring it back into a blazing fire.” N.T Wright version
“Spark” is our theme for Spring Appeal 2022. It’s a word that refers to our Soul Survivor story, when members of the Yarrabah community shared with us a picture of God lighting ‘Gospel spot-fires’ around Australia and sparking a movement of youth and young adults, worshipping Jesus in Word, Spirit & Action. We want to reflect on the stories of all God has sparked already, and look ahead to what He is yet to do.
Young Adults Retreat ‘22
Conference ‘22
Going forward …
Together with you, we will continue to host gatherings for God’s people to rekindle their faith and action with: Soul.Teams, the Roadie, April Conference ‘23, YA Retreat ‘23, songwriting & producing worship, coffees with leaders to encourage them and our new weekend of equipping - Soul.Equip this November.
The upcoming Soul.Equip weekend will be specifically sparking people engaged in worship, youth ministry and women in ministry. Held at Chittick Lodge in Gerringong with 8 Soul Survivor hosts, we believe this could really help with fanning into flame the gifts God has given them.
This year’s Spring Appeal requires $60,000 to resource our next 6 months of “sparking” lives in Christ in Word, Spirit & Action.
If you would like to give toward the Spring Appeal or give monthly to the work of Soul Survivor in 2022 please see our details below.
Direct Debit // Soul Survivor NSW, BSB: 633-000, Account Number: 122736291
Cheque // Soul Survivor NSW, PO Box 474 Frenchs Forest 1640 NSW
Credit Card // visit our website if you wish to support us by credit card
Alternatively, click the button below to deposit your gift
Prayer support
We are so thankful for the constant encouragement of our prayer supporters who intercede for us as we send teams on the road. Your prayers are powerful and effective, and we'd love for you to join us in praying for the ministry of Soul Survivor and what God is doing in Australia.
Thanks again for being on this journey in Christ with us!