Soul Survivor NSW Statement of Response to the Mike Pilavachi safeguarding investigation
We have read coverage of the Church of England safeguarding investigation relating to Mike Pilavachi (LINK HERE We are praying for all those who are affected and involved. We understand how difficult this news can be and as a staff team we are here to support you in any way that we can. We can also refer you to independent support if this has brought up difficult emotions, and these details are also available below.
Soul Survivor NSW is a separate entity from Soul Survivor Watford, UK. Soul Survivor NSW is committed to building a Safe Ministry in practice and culture. We do all that we can to provide a safe environment for all. Our safe ministry policies and procedures can be found here.
If you would like to contact our NSW staff please contact us on: [email protected]
If you need some Independent Support please contact Mandy Gray on: [email protected] (Generations Pastor, Mosaic Baptist, Canberra)