Dear Peter and Josie,
Are you excited?
“One challenge I was given during my long service leave was: be excited again about the work God has given you to do.”
2 Timothy 1v6: “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.”
As a servant-leader following Jesus, it is my responsibility to stay “fired up” in Christ and in His vision- to make disciples of all the nations.
One of the best things I can do for the people God has given me to serve, is to continue to live a filled up Holy Spirit life, full of conviction and prayers, ideas and missions, grace and mercy.
And like anyone I can become faithless, bored, uninspired and dry.
So.. just like Timothy needed to hear.. I need to hear “stir up” the gift God has given me.
How do you allow God to stir up the gift?
* Receive Prayer ministry regularly – we meet monthly to receive and give ministry
* Worship the Lord with freedom and no watch
* Meet with a mentor and ask for help
* Write
* Music- certain songs stir you up
* Stories- read new books, autobiographies
* Maps- get a map of the area God has called you to serve
* New Ideas- maybe your ideas have run dry.. get around some people in prayer and whiteboards
* New people- maybe you need to meet new people to challenge your visiting skills again
* Talks- listening to podcasts and even better- going to a live event
* Headlands and Panoramic views- expand your vision
* Walking or hobbies
I am not asking you to be a hyped up talker.. I am asking you to be a walker who is stirred up with God and His agenda for Australia.
The people you are serving need you to be ALIVE.
Join me and others in getting stirred up with the gifts God has given you to serve others with a ‘fire in your belly.’
PS- if you want me or us to run a seminar with your team- email me – [email protected]